He stated that the main ingredient contained in paracetamol is acetaminophen, adding that when cooked the ingredient can have detrimental health effects on the human body.
Dr. Egemba said, “Some restaurants are contributing to the sickness that is affecting us in Nigeria. They are using paracetamol used for headaches and fever to cook meat because they heard that it makes meat soft.
“The main ingredient in paracetamol is acetaminophen and one of the things that it causes in overdose is acute liver failure and liver damage.
“A young man has gone out to buy food without knowing that the vendor has used paracetamol to finish the life of the shaki and now he is in the hospital battling liver failure because he does not know where it happened.”
Dr. Egbema called on the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control to inspect restaurants in the country to make sure foods being consumed by citizens are safe and healthy.
“This is why we need NAFDAC to stand up because part of what you are doing is food and drug. Go to restaurants, look at what they are eating and ensure that it is safe enough for consumption,” the expert stressed.
According to an online health portal, Patient.info, “Over 150 people die each year as a result of a paracetamol overdose.
“Paracetamol is the most common medication taken in overdose. It can lead to liver failure in a number of days, despite using medication to protect the liver. Liver failure can be fatal,” it said.
Source: healthwise